Friday, August 20, 2010

Happy Birthday!

Today is my sweetheart's 28th birthday!!!
To the love of my life: Happy Birthday! As you may know, words and myself don't go hand in hand...but I hope to express to you how much you mean to me. I have five hopes for you today:
First hope: You know how PROUD I am of you. You are such a hard worker. I am proud of your accomplishments and am so thrilled you are reaching your goals, and I get to be here with you while you do so. You have so much faith in Jesus Christ that it leaves me so humbled. I love your simple faith and willingness to live the gospel. It means so much to me.

Second hope: I hope you realize what a GREAT dad you are. You are always happy to be with your daughter and play with her. I appreciate you helping me raise her and take some of the load off my shoulders. You are another reason I want to have more kids, you help me be a better mom. I love you so much for that.

Third hope: I hope you know how much I love your personality. You fit me so well. I am all guns and glory and going off like a pistol most of the time. You are the big wait silently, plan your attack, and execute so suavely. I hope you know that this is a trait I so admire about you. It leaves me in "awe and wonderment" :D

Fourth Hope: I hope you know how thankful I am that you love me for me. I know what we have is real, and I thank you for your hard work and willingness to be in this marriage. I know our marriage is growing, and that we are growing together. Times can be tough, but what I feel for you and have with you carries me through. Thank you so much for your love and support. I pray you are blessed for your patience with me!

Fifth hope: I hope you know how glad I am that you chose to marry me. Five years ago today you asked me, and it was the easiest decision in my life. For once I listened to the promptings of the Spirit (those promptings were more like being hit upside the head as I am fairly stubborn). I never thought I would get married so young (never in a million). So that says a lot that I was rushing you to the Temple to get married-HA!

I am humbled beyond words and grateful beyond measure that I am yours for eternity. Happy Birthday.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


I am a gabber. I could chit chat all day, and never really get to a point. There is one important thing I want all of you to know about this week, and hopefully you will spread the news.
Have you ever heard anyone say, I want to loose weight and then they sit on the couch and eat a bag of Oreo's and wonder why they aren't? I think America is that person horkin' down the Oreo's, waiting for some miracle weight loss without any effort. We all want tax cuts, less government influence, ect...but are we doing anything about it?
I am personally sick of the way our country is going. So, I am not going to be that "fat person" wanting to loose weight and not do a THING about it. Complacency is a metastatic cancer.
If you feel in anyway the same, here is something you can do THIS week to act.
I am from the great state of Wyoming. On April 17th (Tuesday), the citizens of Wyoming will have the opportunity to vote for Governor. Those who live in Wyoming, know someone who does, whatever, tell them to vote! We must take back our rights at the state level.
One thing that is so hard about voting is knowing who to vote for. I will tell you right now who I am voting for, Ron Micheli. I went to his website, did some learning, and know he would do great things for our state. Go to this website and learn:
Please spread the word, be a fighter, and get out and vote on Tuesday for Ron Micheli.
On a more personal note, here are just a few pictures of things that have happened recently. We got a new computer and haven't put all of our other pictures from our back up drive on it yet, so these are all ya get!
My family stopped in to see me while I was visiting my brother and sister-in-law in Provo. It was my 24th birthday, so I made them stop (sort of).
If I am looking a little more rotund, well I am around 21 weeks pregnant. I still have to double take and ask myself if I really want to go through pregnancy again, then realize I don't have much of a choice :D
My mom and dad came up and visited for the weekend. It was great for them to be with me and Charly. Ben was busy with pharmacy stuff, so I got along time with my parents!

My little girl is growing up! She is so fun. She is the reason I am doing this whole pregnancy thing again. I HATE pregnancy. I don't handle it the best. BUT, she was soooo worth it. We find out this week what we are having, if we want to know. We still haven't decided if we want to though :D

Hope you are all well! Remember to vote this week, or remind familiy/friends from WYO to!