Sunday, January 9, 2011

Rosalie J Tippetts


Rosalie J Tippetts

Born on December 31st at 4:46 a.m.
Weighed 6 lbs 12 oz

Now where on earth did she get all of that hair?

*I did send out a mass email because blogger wasn't loading pics, so if you get an email too..well just enjoy those pics-there are a few :D

I just had to throw a pic of my sweet Charly! Go WYO!!!!


Camille Ford said...

BEAUTIFUL!!! She is so Prescious. You definitely have some Cute little girls!

Cardon Times said...

Such cute kids you have! Rosalie's hair is so dark! And Charlie looks so adorable! I love her hair! Hope all is going well and that you are adjusting to two alright!

Megan said...

So fun!!! Congrats Layce! What a cute family. Charlie is getting so big too. I hope you and your cute fam are doing great!!

Josh & Melissa said...

LAYCEE! SHE IS BEAUTIFUL!!! I am so so so excited for you! I have been thinking about you this whole week! Hope all is well! Congrats!!! P.S. I LOVE the name Rosalie! SO CUTE!

Anonymous said...

So cute!!! When I was feeding Shonee last night I was thinking of you! I am so glad she made it here! Hope you are healing well. Shonee had a ton of hair like that as well, crazy! Charlie is growing like crazy too! What a cutie! Congrats tell Ben hi!
I have a new email

NiColt said...
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NiColt said...

congrats tippetts family! she is so cute. and charly! she is so big!!! how come we haven't seen you guys for so long?! love ya

Sandy said...

CONGRATS!!!! I am so excited for you! I talked to Jes and it sounds like things are going good and she's going to come visit for a bit. FUN! I'm going to call you here in a week or so and see how it REALLY is to have 2 kids!

Mark and Mandi said...

OMG-look at that adorable little girl! I bet you wouldn't have thought you would have had 2! Lol-she is so beautiful (like her mommy) I hope your enjoying her. PS-too bad you didn't wait a day to get the new year baby-jokes! loves

Unknown said...

congratulations lace! she;s a cutie! they are BOTH adorable actually. hope all is well!

Aspen said...

How exciting! She is beautiful!! I hope you are all doing well!!

Eyre Family said...

She is beautiful guys! Congratulations! Charly is sure cute as well.

Anonymous said...

Laycee! I need to meet your new baby! And see the rest of you, of let's get somethin planned. love you all! -nicole